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Diagram of the Dymaxion Bathroom.

As an avid inventor his whole life, Buckminster Fuller is probably most widely-known for the geodesic dome, a grand structure comprised of icosahedronic arrangements of triangular elements. Though he was not the original creator, he popularized the dome by solving the complex mathematics involved. Fuller's interest in the dome was the way in which the stress was dispersed in the engineering specifications (tensegrity). As an idea to form yet further ideas, Fuller considered the structure and design of the dome to encompass many of the plans he had envisioned for creating energy efficient and resiliant homes and dwelling structures.

In his career as an inventor/architect/designer, Fuller developed many new directions to housing and transportation. He used the term "Dymaxion" (combining dynamic and maximum), expressing his desire to employ the dynamics of maximum efficiency into his system of approach. Thus, he created the Dymaxion House, the Dymaxion Car, the Dymaxion Map, even the Dymaxion Bathroom.

The Dymaxion House (early versions include the 4D House and the Dymaxion Deployment Unit) was a conical housing structure project intended to be deployed on-site via airdrop using prefabricated parts. During its many phases of re-design, the house came to include the features of having a centralized vertical vortex venting process (a form of natural air-conditioning), efficiency in energy and resource utilization, the ability to be easily and cheaply mass-produced, and modern-living conveniences suitable for families such as revolving motorized closets, a fireplace, bathroom, kitchen, rooms, and so on.

Not content with houses alone, Fuller also created a concept three-wheeled Dymaxion Car that was able to transport eleven passengers, had a fuel efficiency of 30 miles per gallon, and was aerodynamically efficient.

Fuller also created the Dymaxion Bathroom, one of the first modern upgrades of the now present-day restroom, though it departs from traditional plumbing strategies. Sectioned through four shaped aluminum pieces, the bathroom was pre-fabricated, easy to install, and featured a mirror that never fogged, superior sanitary advantages (less surface area nooks for germs to trap), and a sink that never splattered.

Another one of Fuller's inventions for which he is known is a conceptually more accurate take on cartography called the Dymaxion Map. This map was the first to provide a distortionless view of the surface area of the planet and to provide accurate comparisons of the size of continents and ratio of land to water. The map was an ultimate portrayl of the earth's surface, and for the first time many witnessed a more accurate view of the planet than at any other time in history.

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