LinuxI/O Redirection & Pipes / Filenames with Spaces, Apostrophes, etc. / Desktop Configuration
FILENAMES WITH SPACES, APOSTROPHES, ETC. Filenames with spaces can be worked with in a couple different ways: $ less filename\ with\ spaces or $ touch 'filename with spaces' or $ touch "filename with spaces" In the first example the escape character (\) is used, e.g. $ cd /media/Stuff/My\ Data/ same as, $ cd /media/Stuff/"My Data What if you have quotes in the filename?? -------------------------------------------------------- In this rare occurance, you simply wrap the filename with the opposite (single or double) quotation! $ touch "05'.txt" and $ touch '05".txt' Files that start with - --------------------------- rm ./-iputadashinthefoldername In this example the 'complete path' is used. Other -------- Other special characters such as ? or # can be dealt with similarly to working with spaces, using the escape character to change the interpretation. Unix Shell Metacharacters ----------------------------------- > Output redirection >> Output redirection (append) < Input redirection * File substitution wildcard; zero or more characters ? File substitution wildcard; one character [ ] File substitution wildcard; any character between brackets `cmd` Command Substitution $(cmd) Command Substitution | Pipe (|) ; Command sequence, Sequences of Commands || OR conditional execution && AND conditional execution ( ) Group commands, Sequences of Commands & Run command in the background, Background Processes # Comment $ Expand the value of a variable \ Prevent or escape interpretation of the next character << Input redirection Escaped Characters --------------------------- \NNN the character whose ASCII code is NNN (octal) \ \ backslash \a alert (BEL) \b backspace \c suppress trailing newline \f form feed \n new line \r carriage return \t horizontal tab \v vertical tab Further Reading --------------------- Reserved Characters and Words https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filename#Reserved_characters_and_words Fixing Unix/Linux/POSIX Filenames: Control Characters (such as Newline), Leading Dashes, and Other Problems https://dwheeler.com/essays/fixing-unix-linux-filenames.html